# Replace a user reply with a component
Step template: Request Response (RWC)
To replace a user answer with some component after submittion you can turn on Use function to define user answer option and return an object.
Data examples:
return {
component: 'files',
data: {
files: [
location: 'url here'
return {
component: 'rating',
data: {
rating: '3',
feedback: 'Thanks'
Cards (Single Card or Carousel):
return {
component: 'cards',
data: {
options: [
buttonLabel: "Button label",
cardId: "cardId",
description: "Description",
title: "Card Title"
Credit card:
return {
component: 'credit',
data: {
cardHolder: "Holder",
cardNumber: "4141 **** **** **** 4",
cardType: "Visa",
expiry: "01 / 2041"
If you return undefined
of nothing user reply will not be changed.